February is Black History Month and we're kicking it off with #TransitEquityDay on February 5th, honoring Rosa Parks, the civil rights movement, and the importance of quality, convenient public transportation. The New Haven Coalition for Active Transportation is joining a coalition of organizations and transit riders at the Connecticut State Capitol at 10:00 am on Monday, Feb 5th to rally for transit system investments and fare free transit for youth riders.
The February newsletter also includes:
April 27th Rock to Rock Ride - Registration just opened
Updates about the Whitney Avenue safety redesign with bike lanes and traffic calming
Last chance to comment on the Regional Climate Action Plan
How to submit sidewalk, bike lane, and streetlight issues to New Haven's SeeClickFix system
An opportunity to comment on the safety needs for State Route 146 in Branford and Guilford
2024 Learn to Ride and bicycle safety courses start in March - NCAT Classes Page