There is a CT Public Transportation Forum on Wednesday, September 20th is at 6:00 pm in the Stamford Train Station. This is an opportunity to connect with members of the CT Public Transportation Council, transit service providers, the CT Department of Transportation, and legislators. The CT Public Transportation Council invites all public transportation users to attend and share their questions, comments and concerns.
The Council's regularly scheduled public meeting will immediately follow the forum and will be held in a conference room at the Station. This will be one of the quarterly meetings where CT DOT is reporting on transit plans, projects, and funding. Learn more about the CT Public Transportation Council here.
Where did the CT Public Transportation Council come from? - The Council is growth for the CT Commuter Rail Council and has been expanded to include bus transit issues and bus riding members. The Council is defined by CT state law and has an official role in advising the CT Department of Transportation on rail and bus transit.
Will the meeting be livestreamed or recorded? - We're checking to see. Stay tuned! If yes, we'll put a link or instructions here for those that want to watch remotely.